Travel Insurance
We can select a plan that is specific to what you need depending on the length of your trip, your age and your existing medical conditions.
Some credit cards and employers offer limited coverages. Let's review that together to make sure you are adequately protected.
If you plan to travel outside of Canada and would like to have Covid-19 coverage (including 14 days of quarantine if necessary) as well as emergency medical treatment for in-patient or out-patient care, then this insurance is for you.
Your provincial healthcare plan won’t go with you
Whether you are heading to a tropical beach, cross-border shopping or visiting family or friends in another province or country—your full provincial healthcare plan won’t go with you. That means, if you experience a medical emergency away from home, you’ll be left to arrange for care and pay for it too.
There are many options available - price and options depend on many factors such as length of trip, number of trips planned per year, your age and your medical condition. I can help you get the right plan to cover you at the lowest cost with the best possible medical care so you can travel confidently.
- David (google review)